Murkšķu audzētava "Jaunstuči"

Murkšķis ir lielākā zemes vāvere, kas īpaši slavena ar savu ziemas miegu un spalgo svilpšanu

Groundhog-Day-Posters.jpg Filma: Murkšķa diena jeb Groundhog Day
Filmas veids: Fantastiska, romantiska komēdija
Filmas pirmizrāde: 1993.gada 12.februārī
Režisors: Trevor Albert un Harold Ramis
Lomās: Bill Murray, Andie MacDowell, Chris Elliott, Stephen Tobolowsky, Brian Doyle-Murray u.c.
Mūzikas autors: George Fenton
Kinematogrāfs: John Bailey
Stāsta autors: Danny Rubin
Scenārija autori: Danny Rubin un Harold Ramis
Uzņemta: Columbia Pictures, ASV
Filmas garums (min): 101

Filmas saturs īsumā:

Laika ziņu lasītājs Fils Konnors (Phil Connors), kurš ar komandu ieradies Panksatonejā (Punxsutawney), Pensilvānijā uz Murkšķa dienas svētkiem, pēkšņi apjauš, ka dzīvo vienu un to pašu dienu pēc kārtas. Sākumā viņam tas liekas ļoti aizraujoši un viņš mēģina gūt no tā labumu, tomēr vēlāk vīrietis saprot, ka tas ir lāsts, jo visa dzīve viņam jāpavada vienā vietā, redzot cilvēkus katru dienu darot vienu un to pašu...

Filmas saturs angļu valodā:

Self-centered TV meteorologist Phil Connors, his producer Rita, and cameraman Larry from the fictional Pittsburgh television station WPBH-TV9 travel to Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania to cover the annual Groundhog Day festivities with Punxsutawney Phil for the station. Phil, who has grown tired of this assignment, grudgingly gives his report and attempts to return back to Pittsburgh when a blizzard that he predicted would miss the area shuts down the main roads, forcing Phil and his team to stay in town an extra day.

Phil wakes up to find that he is reliving February 2 again. Everyone else is repeating the same actions as the day before, seemingly unaware of the time loop, though Phil remains aware of the events of the previous day. At first he is confused, but, when the loop continues, he starts to try to take advantage of the situation without fear of long-term consequences, learning secrets from the town's residents, seducing women, stealing money, and driving drunk. However, attempts to get closer to Rita are repeatedly shut down. With each passage of the loop, Phil becomes despondent; during one loop, he kidnaps Punxsutawney Phil and after a long police chase, drives over a cliff, appearing to kill both himself and the groundhog. However, Phil wakes up in the next loop and finds that nothing has changed; further attempts at suicide are just as fruitless as he continues to find himself back at the start of February 2.

Phil continues to try to learn more about Rita, and when he reveals his situation to her and the knowledge he's gained about the town's residents, she opens up to him and suggests he try to use his situation to help benefit the town. Phil uses her advice and the time loop to help as many people around town as possible, as well as bettering himself, such as by learning to play jazz piano and speaking French. Phil, now engrossed with the town's celebration, is able to admit his love to Rita, and she accepts and returns his love. After the evening dance, the two retire together to Phil's room.

Phil wakes up the next day, and finds the time loop has broken; it is now February 3 and Rita is still in bed with him. As the team prepare to return to Pittsburgh, Phil and Rita talk about eventually settling down in Punxsutawney, but they'll "rent to start."


16. maijs, 2020

Tas brīdis ir pienācis un beidzot no šodienas murkšķi uzsāk tūrisma sezonu, protams, ievērojot distanci un visus pārējos ieteikumus, lai mēs pasargātu viens otru. Vēlams savu vizīti iepriekš pieteikt, zvanot uz tālruni 26020002. Gaidīsim ciemos!

1. maijs, 2020

Ņemot vērā, ka Latvijā izsludināta ārkārtas situācija saistībā ar COVID-19 pandēmiju, murkšķu audzētava “Jaunstuči” ir slēgta apmeklētājiem līdz ārkārtas situācijas atcelšanai 2020.gada 12.maijam. Tāpēc murkšķu vērošanas sezona šogad netiks uzsākta ar 1.maiju, kā tas ir bijis citus gadus. Būsim atbildīgi gan pret apkārtējiem, gan arī dzīvniekiem.

14. maijs, 2014

Lauku ceļotājs aicina pilsētniekus uz laukiem 16.-18. maijā, kad notiks akcija "Atvērtās dienas laukos". Tā ir iespēja pavadīt pārsteidzošu nedēļas nogali ar ģimeni, draugiem vai darba kolektīvu, apbraukājot visdažādākās ražojošās saimniecības laukos, lai atklātu sev jaunus – gan interesantus, gan garšīgus lauku labumus.